It was early evening on August 13. JoJo started to cry and panic. The expectant mother Chihuahua was frightful and in pain, and her owners knew that they were running out of time. The baby should be coming any minute, but something was wrong. They called vet after vet, hoping against all reason that someone would help them. Without funds, they were turned away each and every time.
That is, until First Coast No More Homeless Pets called them back. FCNMHP told the owners to bring JoJo in immediately. This baby was going to have a chance, regardless of funding or anything else. Â Clinic staff and veterinarians stayed late to give JoJo an emergency C-Section, and that night Diablo was born.
The Angel Fund  allows FCNMHP to address these situations head on, providing a caring and helping hand to pets and owners with dire needs. The decisions usually boil down to life or death, but this non-profit has taken a stand to end the unnecessary killing of dogs and cats, man’s most beloved companions.
Thanks WJXT4 The Local Station for the support! We are happy to help this community save lives. Helping people and pets. #FCNMHP #savinglives #AngelFund
Posted by First Coast No More Homeless Pets on Friday, August 14, 2015